Comments made to me when I told them Josh was Autistic
1. " Don't let them label him"
2. "He has what? What is that?
3. "He don't look like he has autism, Isn't that like duh?"
4. " Don't claim it!"
5." Jocelyn jump in your prayer closet"
6" There is nothing wrong with my grandson you just need to talk to him more and take him out more, take him to the park."
7. " We are not going to have this in our family, we are a family of smart people he's not retarded."
8." He doesn't have autism, they just want to dummy him up, its the vaccinations, here read this, give him more vitamins, try some God's Tea, watch this DVD the white people are suing and receiving money."
9. " Maybe he's shy, you were shy when you was young."
10." He's not Autistic"
11." I'm praying on that demon that has your son."
My reply to the individual was " My son is not demonic, he has Autism its a neurological disorder of the brain. I walked away holding my sons hand, came back face to face with this person and gave her some information on autism.
One person replied: I love him because he's my Grandson, Guess who? Grandma who believed in him, got to know him, understand him, and spent time with him.
His Great Grandma replied he's a smart child and he's going to do great things. I may be dead and gone, but mark my words
Number 10 also got to know and understand him. Number 10 also shared information and many autism websites with me.
As you see my challenge could have been more difficult to me. I did not have much support in the beginning, however I Thank God for the strength he gave me. My comment to them was "It is what it is, and if God chooses to heal him fine, and if he don't, I'm not worried, because he's going to do great things. My husband and I have never been in denial, we depended on God and one another.